Saturday, December 20, 2008

Audrey Ruth Allen

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Audrey was born on December 11th 2008 at 11:26 pm. She weighed 9 lbs 11 oz and was 21 1/4 in. long. I was scheduled to be induced at 5:00 pm on that day and after a lot of waiting around and getting stuck 5 times to place the IV, they started the drugs around 8:00 pm. It was about a three hour labor and she was born within a few minutes of pushing. She is named after Dave's grandmother, Marilyn Ruth McElwee.

Sydney is so excited about having a new baby sister. She helps Audrey calm down when she cries and constantly confirms that 'babies can't talk, right mommy?'

Andrew was a little nervous about meeting his new baby sister but once we told him that he could show her the Speed Racer Mach 5, he was very excited.


KillmerFam said...

Yea! I'm so excited you have a blog, too! Come visit mine once in awhile & I'll check in on you! Just keep those posts coming 'cause I pretty much do this EVERY night & need something to read after the kids go to bed & I'm waiting for Ron to come home! All your kids are sooo cute and are getting sooo big (not Audrey, of course!), but I'm sure it won't take long! Sydney looks just like you! Congrats! If I don't talk to you before, have a Merry Christmas! Love, Jen

Emily95661 said...

Yay, I'm so glad you have a blog too. I did check it out and I'll try to keep on posting.